
Dan Tobin Smith | Kipple Exhibition

Conceptual Pop Up restaurant as part of Dan Tobin Smith’s Kipple Exhibition for London Design Week.

Kipple Exhibition


12 x 4 nights

The story Dan Tobin Smith wanted to tell

"Kipple is useless object, like junk mail or match folders after you use the last match or gum wrappers or yesterday's homeopape (newspaper). When nobody's around, kipple reproduces itself... the entire universe is moving towards a final state of total, absolute kippleization." From Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep

Kipple Exhibition
Kipple Exhibition

Bringing the magic to
Dan Tobin Smith's event

As part of photographer Dan Tobin Smith's London Design Week exhibition 'The First Law of Kipple' we provided a series of highly conceptual 5 course meals investigating how kipple infiltrates what and how we eat.

Dan Tobin Smith

Kipple Exhibition Menu

Kipple Exhibition

Kind words from Dan Tobin Smith

A highly inventive and delicious menu. Amazing how you tied in the concept of the show.

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